З матеріалів до «Українського Православного Дипломатарія ХVІІ – ХVІІІ ст.»
https://doi.org/10.35332/2411-4677.2020.20.12Ключові слова:
дипломатика, Церква, митрополити, історіографія, diplomacy, Church, metropolitans, historiographyАнотація
У статті ідеться про необхідність публікації документів вищих церковних ієрархів УПЦ для підготовки видання «Українського Православного Дипломатарію ХVІ–ХVІІІ ст.» і здійснюється публікація майже 20 документів, виявлених в архівосховищах України.
The article explains the need to publish documents of the highest church hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for the preparation of the publication «Ukrainian Orthodox Diplomatary of the 17th–18th centuries». This is an urgent task of Ukrainian historical science, the need to solve which is especially important in our time, when the Orthodox world recognized the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). In addition, it is necessary for the publication of «Ukrainian Diplomatary of the 16th–18th centuries» – collected documentation of representatives of the Ukrainian state power – hetmans, Kosh otamans, colonels, general sergeants. This will help to establisha fuller picture of the relationship between the Church and the State in the past, to reveal important facts about the history of Ukraine, in particular about the situation within the Church itself. These data are important for local historians, as they refer to a number of settlements, temples and monasteries. It should be noted that in Soviet atheistic times the publication of such sources was actually banned, and before the revolution in the Russian Empire, the documentation of Ukrainian church hierarchs was published selectively. The article presents the texts of almost 20 documents found in the archives of Ukraine. These are 17 documents of Kyiv metropolitans Yosyf Neliubovych-Tukalsky (1 document), Raphaiil Zaborovsky (4), Arseniy Mohyliansky (3), Gavriil Kremenetsky (2), Samuel Myslavsky (1), as well as bishops, archbishops and abbots – St. Antoniy Stakhovsky, Zakhariia Kornylovych, Irodin Zhurakovsky, Nikodim Srebnytsky, abbots Meletiy Trofimovych and David Nashchynsky. One consistory document from the time of Metropolitan Raphaiil was also placed here. The appendices contained three documents created by Hetman Ivan Skoropadsky and representatives of the Cossack officers (Bunchuk’s comrade Oleksiy Yesymontovsky, military chancellor Mykhailo Ohronovych) and addressed by the mentioned persons to St. Antoniy Stakhovsky, Kyiv Metropolitan Arseniy Mohyliansky and Chernihiv Metropolitan Antoniy Chernovsky. All the documents, except for one – the letters of Raphaiil Zaborovsky (№ 6) are printed in full, and the said diploma is submitted in the form of a regest. The information potential of the given documents and the degree of their reliability are analyzed.