Наука і релігія в епоху постмодерну: пошук діалогічної площини співіснування
https://doi.org/10.35332/2411-4677.2022.22.15Ключові слова:
постмодерн, наукове пізнання, наука, релігія, релігійна віра, богослів’я, діалог., postmodernism, scientific knowledge, science, religion, religious faith, theology, dialogue.Анотація
У статті досліджено проблему суперечливої взаємодії науки та релігії, розглянуто можливість діалогічної взаємодії на обопільну користь співіснування й подальшого поступу в постмодерний час.
The article fragmentarily considers the historical spectrum of the development of the relationship between science and religion in their cultural context, through the prism of which the dynamics of coexistence of scientific and religious discourses is observed. It varies from: unification and complementary coexistence, observed in the Middle Ages, to their autonomous and sovereign communication with a sharp tendency to conflict. The dynamics of the coexistence of science and religion becomes noticeable in the presence of a common goal, the points of intersection of which make it possible to determine how communication takes place (autonomy, dialogue, conflict or complementarity). A brief description of modern culture is given, and it is determined that religious culture coexisted in different ways with secular-scientific, so the twentieth century. characterized by the decline of the religious, as one based on authority. The main importance in the twentieth century is given to the scientific worldview, which soon, in the twenty-first century. has become one that ensures the well-being of society. The scientific picture of the world has become the most accepted, because the approach to understanding it has a clear methodology. Revealing the historical context of the coexistence of science and religion, in this article, the author reveals the inability of science to overcome the existential, internal problems of man. And the external goods obtained through science become for man an objective refuge or an idealized mask behind which man hides the tragedy of his mortal biological existence. This course of events forces us to reconsider the previous, human-defined relationship with the religious cultural context, and to recognize that science, as never before, makes it necessary to reflect religiously on the cultural picture of the world and its role in it. Demonstrating the spectrum of coexistence of science and religion, the total dependence of science on religion in the Middle Ages, and gaining experience of separation of science from religion in the XVII century to find the foundations in oneself, which forces the scientific discourse to turn, in a sense, to religious motives and to soften the attitude to religion from their purely independent existence to a possible dialogue.