Біблійне « בָּראָ » (бара) у контексті християнського креаціонізму
https://doi.org/10.35332/2411-4677.2023.23.9Ключові слова:
креаціонізм, Біблія, релігія, віра, богослів’я, Бог, буття, конфесії., creationism, Bible, religion, faith, theology, God, being, denominations.Анотація
У статті розглянуто специфіку двох моделей сучасного християнського креаціонізму; проаналізовано погляди, інтерпретації та богословське осмислення біблійного бара й акту творіння староземельними і молодоземельними креаціоністами.
The article examines the specifics of two models of modern Christian creationism, analysis of views, interpretations and theological understanding of the Biblical verb “bārā’” and the act of creation, Old-Earth and Young-Earth creationists. It is the idea of an Intelligent Plan, God’s Plan that characterizes creationism according to this term, regardless of its Young-Earth or Evolutionary-Old-Earth models. In essence, Christian creationism has become a challenge and reaction to the atheistic and anti-religious trend that originated in evolutionary ideas and spread throughout the world. Christian creationism is based on two sources. The first source is the Bible: the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and other sacred texts of the Christian religion such as the writings of the Holy Fathers of the Church, the decrees of the Ecumenical Councils and others, which indicate the act of creation by the Lord. The second source base is directly the very scientific facts which indicate that not all materialist theory of evolution is able to explain them and has its white spots in the fundamental questions of the origin of the world. Thus the adherents of Creation see in the world a certain order which points to the Divine Mind, indicates that the world was created with a definite purpose, points to human nature as a higher and perfect creation. However, even among creationists there are various disputes in the interpretation of the act of creation, including the interpretation of the biblical “bārā’”. All of these indicate the relevance of this topic. The purpose of this study is: on the basis of a comprehensive study of theological literature to reveal and generalize the content, to analyze the concept of biblical “bārā’” through the specifics of two models of modern Christian creationism in the context of biblical and scientific narratives.