Християнське віровчення та наукове пізнання: суперечлива взаємодія в середні віки




Ключові слова:

Середньовіччя, наука, релігія, віра, богослів’я., Middle ages, science, religion, faith, theology.


У статті розглянуто проблему взаємодії християнського віровчення й процесів становлення та розвитку науки (наукового пізнання) в період Середньовіччя. Контраст даної тематики простежується зокрема в працях таких мислителів, як Тертуліан (від віри до розуму), Фома Аквінський (від розуму до віри) та ін. Відомо, що предметом світської філософії Фома Аквінський уважав істини розуму, а предметом богослів’я – істини одкровення, що понад людський розум. Релігійне одкровення та істини одкровення доповнювались філософією, оскільки божественні істини й наукове знання покликані до розв’язання спільного й головного завдання – пізнання Бога.

The article addresses the basic principles of the development of science and theology during Middle Ages and their correlation is still actual traced on the background of the dynamic search of the meaning of the events and things by the humankind not because of their empirical accessibility, but in the context of their purpose and mode of existence. The problem of correlation between scientific and theological discourses is pinpointed by the absence of their convincing engagement in ecumenical Orthodoxy, thus enabling the author to focus on those works of medieval fathers, where the issue of correlation between science and theology is raised, and allowing him to use their religious and intellectual inheritance for deeper understanding of the principles of the existence of the universe and defining the role of a man in it. Thus, the timeliness of the topic announced is in renovation of the dynamic search of the area of discourse between science and theology, avoiding the usual for Middle Ages domination of theology over science, as well as the contemporary neglect of theology by science, which determine the further responsibility of the contemporary scientists and theologists. Taking into account the given issue, in order to enlighten the development and correlation of science and theology during Middle Ages, the author considers necessary to research that inheritance of the medieval sophists, which embrace a problem of the correlation between science and theology, as well as to review the history of the scientific knowledge of the epoch to comprehend the context of its development. The examination of the core of the problem is preceded by the definitions and understanding of the concept of the Middle Ages by both its representors and contemporary researchers; sketching the epoch’s timeframe and demonstration of its prevailing cultural and spiritual narratives. Reviewed and analyzed is the activity of medieval scientists, clergymen, and sophists, such as Roger Bacon (1214–1292), Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), Nicolas Oresme (1320–1382) etc. – the protagonists of submission of science to theology. Also studied is the creative activity and inheritance of the outstanding personalities of another group of spiritual belonging, such as Aurelius Augustinus (354–430), Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109), Pierre Abélard (1079–1142), who made a significant input into a search of consensus between mind and faith and attempted to reveal/create an organic synthesis of faith and mind. Such an approach to research enables to realize that religious and intellectual potential of the medieval sophists, despite the attempts to rationalize the latter, was aimed at learning of the world and nature with the primary orientation to perceive their ultimate purpose and essence of things and events, but not at their description, anticipation and control, which characterize the modern European science. In other words, the given strategy demonstrates that the worthy men of Middle Ages were striving for contemplation of the essence of God-related phenomena, thus retarding the development of science as it is known today.




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