Просвітницькі праці святителя Петра Могили, митрополита Київського, Галицького і всієї Руси (1633–1647)




Ключові слова:

святитель Петро Могила, архімандрит, митрополит, просвітницька праця, училище, колегія, православне сповідання віри, катехізис., St Petro Mohyla, archimandrite, metropolitan, educational work, school, college, Orthodox confession of faith, catechism.


Стаття присвячена розгляду важливого питання для сучасної богословської науки — стислого осмислення просвітницьких праць митрополита Київського, Галицького і всієї Руси святителя Петра Могили. Схарактеризовано основні віхи життя святителя, починаючи з народження і до сходження на митрополичу Київську кафедру. Проаналізовано напрями просвітницької діяльності, створення богословських шкіл та систематизацію богословського вчення сподвижниками та святителем Петром Могилою.

The article is devoted to the consideration of an important issue for modern theological science — understanding the educational activities of Saint hierarch Petro Mohyla, Metropolitan of Kyiv, Galicia and All Rus. The main milestones in the life of St. Petro from his birth to his ascension to the Metropolitan Throne of Kyiv are described. Attention is focused on the fact that Petro Mohyla was a man who had no lack of wealth, honour or fame before he was tonsured as a monk, embraced the rank of archimandrite and assumed the responsibility of metropolitan. And because of this he ‘undertook with all his soul before God and his conscience to bear the duties imposed on him’ and justified his commitment with his multifaceted work. The article highlights the significant merits of St Petro Mohyla, who was already duly honoured by his contemporaries, including the clergy, and the Ukrainian nobility joyfully greeted him with speeches, eulogies, and poems. It is shown that Saint Petro was a true archpastor for the Ukrainian people, the founder of the Orthodox Kyiv College, the author of more than 20 polemical sermons, a number of books, a significant patron of the arts, who, with his considerable scientific environment, joined the ranks of those who formed the all-Ukrainian literary language and made it possible to transform it into the language of books, science, teaching, and church use. The article contains information about publishing activities in view of the important role that church preaching has always played in the Metropolitanate of Kyiv, and in particular in Ukraine. The author focuses on the fact that St Petro’s main attention was directed on the regulation and improvement of church life, through which, both today and at all times, the influence on human consciousness and spirituality was exerted. The author shows the originality of his theological thinking and educational work, which was focused on the individual spiritual needs of a person. The enlightenment of St. Petro Mohyla, which permeates all his activities, both preaching and publishing work aimed at improving the life of the Orthodox Church is analysed.




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