Єдність і помісність Церкви у трактаті священномученика Кипріана Карфагенського «Про єдність Церкви»




Ключові слова:

Церква, Кипріан Карфагенський, помісна Церква, екклезіологія, єпископ., Church, Cyprian Carthage, Local Church, ecclesiology, bishop.


У статті проаналізовано екклезіологічні погляди, викладені у творі «Про єдність Церкви» святого отця Церкви ІІІ століття, священномученика Кипріана Карфагенського. Встановлено, що будучи онтологічно єдиною Церква виявляє свою цілісність у помісних Церквах. Згідно зі святителем Кипріаном єдність Церкви реалізується не в інституційному підпорядкуванні, а в дотриманні догматичних і моральних засад, як у побудові міжцерковних відносин, так і у внутрішньому житті помісних Церков.

The article analyzes the ecclesiological views set forth in the book «On the Unity of the Church» of the Holy Father of the Church of the Cyprian of Carthage (200-258 years). The Church as the only body of Christ and the human salvation environment, constantly suffers attacks of the devil in the form of heresies, splits and divisions. According to St. Cyprian, the beginning of the Church’s existence is connected with the incarnation of Jesus Christ and giving hierarchical powers to the holy Apostles. The followers of the apostles are bishops, and the bishopric is the only one. Hierarchy aspect of the unity of the Church, in the ecclesiology of Cyprian of Carthage, combines sacral and practical function. Keeping the unity around the bishop - the primate of the local church, clergy and believers are in communion with bishops of other churches. Theological foundations of hierarchical unity serve as a reliable basis for ecclesiastical discipline, order and responsibility. Being ontologically the only Church manifests its integrity on the ground in the local Churches, who, being in mutual communication, represent each individually and all together the only Church of Christ. According to St. Cyprian, the unity of the Church is realized not in the institutional subordination of one Church to another Church, but in observing the dogmatic and moral principles, both in the construction of inter-church relations, and in the internal life of the local Churches. Christian cohesion, according to Cyprian Carthage, depends on moral aspects. The unity of the local Church destroys pride, the lack of love, holiness and, as a consequence, heresy and division. These same reasons give rise to divisions at the inter-church level, not only at the level of individual persons, but also entire Christian communities. The unity of the Church can not be achieved through ultimatums and the rupture of communication. Achievement of unity is possible only through communication, actualization of ontological unity in the sacraments, Christian unanimity, consent, simple heart.




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