Візантійське трактування Божественної літургії XІV–XV ст.
https://doi.org/10.35332/2411-4677.2023.23.13Ключові слова:
Літургія, візантійська Церква, богослів’я, трактування., Liturgy, Byzantine Church, theology, interpretation.Анотація
Статтю присвячено візантійському тлумаченню Божественної Літургії XІV–XV ст., зокрема висвітлено традицію трактування Літургії у вказаний період. Проаналізовано тлумачення свт. Симеона Солунського та пр. Миколая Кавасили.
The article is devoted to the byzantine interpretation of the Divine Liturgy of the XIV – XV centuries. In particular, the liturgical and theological coverage of the tradition of liturgical interpretation of this period is presented. The interpretations of St. Simeon of Thessalonica and St. Nicholas of Kawasila are analyzed. It is important to find out how they understood the texts and rites of the Divine Liturgy, what methods of interpretation they used. The main stages of the development of the byzantine liturgical tradition of interpretation from the XIV to the XV centuries are associated with the works of such famous authors as St. Simeon of Thessalonica, St. Nicholas Kavasila, and others. The study of the tradition of byzantine liturgical interpretation of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries is of great importance for modern liturgical theology. Many of the main features and methods of interpretation used in this tradition are reflected in various aspects of the modern liturgy and other worship services. This work can also help to illuminate the various interpretations of liturgical texts and their use in theological discussions, which will help to understand different approaches to the interpretation of the liturgy and its texts. St. Nicholas Kavasila and St. Simeon of Thessalonica made an important contribution to the interpretation of the Divine Liturgy, which after them was already formed in all its basic elements. Since then, it has hardly changed. The twentieth century was a truly golden period for liturgical theology, when interest in liturgical scholarship developed and began to grow, and many new authors and valuable works appeared. The existence of the liturgical movement was caused by a deep interest in the liturgical tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Liturgical theologians appeared who expressed their thoughts on the revival of liturgical life and the tradition of interpreting Orthodox worship.