Проблема сенсу життя людини за Віктором Франклом і логотерапія




Ключові слова:

логотерапія, екзистенція, фрустрація, онтологія., Logotherapy, existence, frustration, ontology, culture.


У статті розглянуто питання психотерапевтичного підходу до осмислення сенсу життя. Розкрито парадигму мислення В. Франкла, зокрема пережитий ним досвід, який допоміг йому знайти сенс життя у найскрутніший час перебування в концтаборі. Відтак здійснено спробу переосмислення підходу до віднайдення сенсу життя.

The search for meaning in human life is the primary motivation for living not a «secondary rationalization» of instinctive drives.Viktor Frankl. Viktor Frankl was in Nazi concentration camps from 1942 to 1945, survived the genocide, the Holocaust. He lost everything: family, home, job; although he had the opportunity to leave Austria to save his life, he did not want to leave his parents. Frankl believed that prisoners who were «oriented toward the future, toward meaning to be realized» were more likely to survive, leading to his belief that life has potential meaning under any condition. As someone who helped prisoners address both medical and emotional needs he knew this better than anyone. Frankl wrote about his experience of living in Auschwitz and his survival and suffering. His book Man’s Search for Meaning is about finding purpose in a seemingly impossible place, a concentration camp. This experience became the basis for a somewhat new and original approach to psychotherapy, which became known as logotherapy. In short, logotherapy is a form of existential psychotherapy, which is conceived as «therapy through meaning». Thus, Frankl’s third school of logotherapy, complements Freud’s will to pleasure and Adler’s will to power by considering the primary motivating force in man to be the will to meaning. In Freudian and Adlerian therapy, the focus is on personal introspection, uncovering character structures and recalling significant (often traumatic) events in the past. In contrast, logotherapy focuses on specific life conditions and helps the patient to find what they consider to be the unique and specific meaning of their existence. Basic principles of logotherapy: V. Frankl argued that logotherapy is based on the following principles: First principle: In what we give to the world in terms of our creativity and all our activities. In what we take from the world in terms of our daily experience and the feelings and emotions that accompany it; . in what we receive from the world and the emotions that accompany it. In the position we take in relation to the world, that is, in our attitude to everything that happens to us.




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