«Православний вісник Київського Патріархату»: витоки та сьогодення




Ключові слова:

Православний вісник, видання, Київський Патріархат, відправи Патріарха, офіційна частина, наукова частина, статті, публікації., Orthodox Bulletin, Publications, Kyiv Patriarchate, Patriarchal mission, official part, scientific part, articles, publications.


У статті висвітлено історію постання та публікування офіційного друкованого органу Української Православної Церкви Київського Патріархату – журналу «Православний вісник» (з 2012 року – «Православний вісник Київського Патріархату»), якому в 2018 році виповнилося 50 років із часу відновлення як загальноцерковного видання.

The article deals with the history of the establishment and publication of the official printed organ of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate - the journal “Orthodox Bulletin” (since 2012 - “Orthodox Bulletin of Kyiv Patriarchate”), which in 2018 celebrated 50 years since its restoration as a church-wide publication. The reasons for the appearance of the publication in the postwar period as a journal of Lviv-Ternopil Diocese of the Ukrainian Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church have been clarified. The significance of the personality of Bishop Macarius (Oksiyuk), who, after his appointment to Lviv See in 1945, immediately took up the matter ofpublishing a periodical journal for the spreading of Orthodox ideas in the process of unification of the UGCC with the ROC. The reasons for termination of the magazine issuing in 1962 – 1967 as a result of the policy of the Soviet authorities, which lost interest in the magazine due to the lack of articles aimed at combating the union, but cited completely other reasons for its closure, have been shown: a small number of author’s publications, the magazine’s delay by 6 - 7 months and the fact that the professional journalists did not work in the editorial board, etc. The role of the Exarch of Ukraine Metropolitan Filaret (Denysenko) in the revival of the ecclesiastical status in 1968 when the place of publication was moved from Lviv to Kyiv (in 1970) has been revealed. Until the 1990s, the monthly Orthodox Herald was the only religious magazine in Ukraine, serving as a scientific and theological publication. The contents, heading and content of the journal and its regular contributors, who were overwhelmingly archpastors and pastors of the Orthodox Church, have been characterized. The last period of its publication as a periodical scientific journal has been analyzed, in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and PhD of the postgraduate and doctoral students of Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy were published.




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