Наука і релігія у їх проблемному вимірі




Ключові слова:

наука, релігія, віра, раціональність, конфлікт, витоки конфлікту., science, religion, faith, rationality, conflict, origins of conflict.


У статті досліджено генеалогічні фактори взаємодії наукового та релігійного дискурсів, які зумовлюють тлумачення їх подальшого співіснування як конфліктного та нібито позбавленого потенціалу для побудови конструктивного діалогу або іншого можливого способу взаємної комунікації.

The article examines the genealogical factors of interaction between scientific and religious discourses that determine and predict the interpretation of their further coexistence as conflictual and (at first glance) devoid of the potential for constructive dialogue or other possible means of mutual communication. The texts of ancient teachers and philosophers, various sources (Hesiod’s Theogony, Homer’s poems, archaeological excavations) are considered and analyzed, from which a clear picture of the ancient mythical world with a pantheon of deities, spirits and people is formed, which explained the forces of nature and phenomena by the will of the deities hidden behind each phenomenon. Over time, a different approach to world perception emerged, authored by the Ionian natural philosophers, who were known for their attempts to refute the mythological approach, resulting in a new worldview. The article examines the fact that in ancient Greece various «methods» of studying the world appeared that in one way or another influenced the coexistence of theology with the natural sciences and predicted new prerequisites for their conflictual perception in the future. These methods belonged to Plato, Aristotle, and Archimedes and are perhaps the most important on the way to the formation of science and its relation to religion. The problem of the coexistence of faith and knowledge became acute during the clash of Greek thought with Christianity and was reflected in the intellectual developments of St. Augustine, who made a significant contribution to understanding the possibilities of coexistence of scientific and religious discourses, which is discussed in this article. Christianity caused another break in the comprehension of the topic of reason and faith, the imprint of which can be traced in the language and terminology of that time. Christianity offered a new language, a metaphorical language that seeks to express the experience of God’s communion, but still cannot accurately reproduce what is meant because it uses the terminology of the sensual world in relation to what is beyond it. Historians of science and theology have also raised the issue of the origin of the conflict between science and religion, defining it as a historical and social source of conflict, as also expressed by A. Einstein, B. Russell and others. A. Einstein describes two different realms of human consciousness, the violation of their boundaries leads to the possibility of conflict. The source of the conflict between science and religion, according to B. Russell, is a difference in beliefs, and according to St. Luke, the source of the conflict is the cry of the cross. According to St. Luke, the source of the conflict lies in the fact that we confuse science with the opinion of scientists who sometimes contradict religion, which is discussed more clearly and extensively in this article.




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