Погляди преподобного Паїсія Величковського на чернецтво, викладені в його листах і полемічних творах




Ключові слова:

чернецтво, засади монашества, Паїсій Величковський, монастир., monk, elder, St. Paisius, theology, monastery.


Статтю присвячено поглядам преподобного Паїсія Величковського на чернецтво. У ній, зокрема, висвітлено традиції монашества, його основні засади та способи життя в чернечих обителях, що їх П. Величковський розкриває у своїх листах та полемічних творах. Прикметно, що старець дивиться на чернецтво через призму вчення святих отців-пустельників, які подвизалися, коли чернецтво лише набувало своїх перших рис. Саме через древні книги, які в часи П. Величковського були забуті, відродилось осмислення чернечого життя в аспекті його основних засад і способів спільного життя братії.

The article is devoted to the views of St. Paisius Velichkovsky on monasticism. In particular, it highlights the traditions of monasticism, its basic principles and ways of life in monasteries, which the saint reveals in his letters and polemical works. The Monk Paisius Velichkovsky is one of the outstanding figures of the Orthodox Church of the second half of the eighteenth century. His life, teachings, the statutes of the monasteries he founded and led, his literary and translation activities, and his «school» of followers-preachers and practitioners of heartfelt prayer-gave a huge impetus to the renewal of monastic life in Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Moldova, and throughout the Orthodox world. Thanks to the life feat of Abba Paisius, the phenomenon of senility returned to monastic practice. The activities of St. Paisios were diverse. He was an ascetic ascetic, a teacher of piety, a wise leader of the Monastic community, and an elder. Setting an example of a truly ascetic life, he wisely led the monastic brotherhood he created and managed to raise a whole galaxy of ascetics who were worthy successors to his work. That is why his writings, letters, and epistles are very important sources for us in the context of studying monasticism and its basic principles. It is this saintly Ukrainian and his literary heritage that can speak to the modern monk, to the modern person who seeks the monastic feat. This article highlights the main views of Reverend Paisius Velychkovsky on monasticism. And the monk pays the most attention to obedience, which is based on humility, which is the basis of all virtues. It is through obedience that a monk reaches great heights in spiritual life. The article also reveals the main ways of life of monks, as well as which of them, according to the saint, is considered the best for spiritual growth. The letters of St. Paisius help us to understand the foundation of monastic life, namely, love for one’s neighbor, which is key and absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to start a monastic life.




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