Чому засудили Христа? Аналіз євангельської розповіді про суд Синедріону над Спасителем




Ключові слова:

Євангеліє, Христос, Синедріон, суд, вирок, розп’яття., Gospel, Christ, Sanhedrin, trial, sentence, crucifixion.


Статтю присвячено аналізу важливої в біблійному богослів’ї теми – суду над Ісусом Христом. За три роки суспільного служіння юдеї часто звинувачували Христа та хотіли Його позбутися. І врешті-решт вони втілили своє бажання: знайшовши лжесвідків та видали Христа на розп’яття. Чи мали вони підстави для цього, які норми юдейського права було порушено, чому вони обрали таку позицію щодо Спасителя? Пошуку відповідей на ці питання присвячене дослідження.

The article is devoted to the analysis of an important topic in biblical theology – the trial of Jesus Christ. During the three years of public service, the Jews often accused Christ and wanted to get rid of Him. And, in the end, they made their wish come true – after finding false witnesses, they gave Christ to be crucified. Have they had reasons for this, what norms of Jewish law have they violated, why have they taken such a position regarding the Savior – these questions became key during the writing of this study. The purpose of the article is to make an exegetical analysis of the Gospel fragments that point out the trial of Jesus Christ in the Sanhedrin and, referring to the works of the Church Fathers and exegetes, to highlight the groundlessness of the accusations that the Sanhedrin brought against Jesus Christ and, in general, to show the falsity and baseness of this trial. The article takes note of the interpretation of the Gospel of St. Nicholas of Serbia, the exegetical work of Oleksandr Ivanov, the testimony of the Mishnah. Regarding modern authors and works - Alexander Sorokin, priest Hryhori Dyachenko, Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), Oxford Textbook of Judaica. Following the research in the field of Jewish and Roman law and the Gospel text, which speaks of the trial of Jesus Christ, the following conclusions were made: according to Jewish law, the trial was conducted in violation of the norms of the Law and legal prescriptions. The Roman judiciary, apart from legal gaps in procedural actions, was formally conducted in compliance with Roman legislation. The peculiarity of the arrest, the night meeting of the Sanhedrin, the false witnesses, the decisionmaking on the eve of the holiday – all this shows that the Sanhedrin was not looking for the truth, but wanted to get rid of someone who was inconvenient for them but whom the people respected so much.




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