Етос і етика в богослів’ї Йоана Зізіуласа: до проблеми контроверсійності




Ключові слова:

Церква, етос, мораль, онтологія, культура, Євхаристія., Church, ethos, morality, ontology, culture, Eucharist.


У статті розглянуто питання етосу й етики в євхаристійному контексті особистісної неповторності. Розкрито парадигму богомислення Й. Зізіуласа, зокрема його коментарі щодо постмодерної проблеми євхаристійної єдності. Поставлено під сумнів такі поняття, як мораль та етика; здійснено спробу переосмислення моралі в еклезіальному зрізі етосу.

The article considers an issue of ethos and ethics owing to a misconception about morality in our post-secular society, where a Human begins to define and be guided by external forms of behavior devoided of meaning. Imitating the «moral» law, doing good deeds, such as: Giving alms, volunteering, or saving the world from hunger, a person believes that by it he can save his creatureliness or just become better. This tendency of anthropocentrism, where the created want to preserve their existence at the expense of certain ethical norms, is very notable and dangerous. Therefore, it prompted me to consider such concepts as ethics-morality and moralityethos in the context of the existential doctrine of personality in the theology of J. Ziziluas. Considering these concepts through the prism of our culture, we discover their influence on the church structure, that is losing understanding of Eucharistic unity as the main event in everybody’s lives. This feature led to the emergence of the phenomenon of «morality”. Many modern churches in the Ukrainian lands calling for «moral» selfimprovement, thereby devalue the Eucharistic principle of existence. Consequently, the church began to perform not an ontological function that is a saving one, but a psychological one. People look for different ways to satisfy their religious selfishness, and the post-secular church gives them that opportunity. In our case, it leads to only one thing – death in the sweet illusion of anthropocentrism. In which the first place is given not to the individual, but to the nature of the general, – to ethics, in which man is a faceless function. It devalues a human and cannot reveal him as a person whose leaven is love and freedom. In the light of the theology of J. Ziziluas, the article criticizes «morality, which is reduced to ethical-mechanized totalitarianism. Instead, the Eucharistic ethos is revealed as a way of creating a personality. Morality becomes a new meaningful dimension of communication of the event such as – life. Eventually, attention is emphasized on Eucharistic unity, and the renewal of a man, from which true morality appears. This true morality is not a game of psychological complexes or a study of forms of behavior. It becomes a consequence of the personal experience of another as an ontological value. And so I concluded that demechanized morality can exist only in the context of a personal way of being. The center of which is the Eucharist, an event of communication.




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