Наслідки вселенського потопу для геоморфології у світлі теорії біблійного катастрофізму




Ключові слова:

біблійний катастрофізм, креаціонізм, Біблія, геологія, уніформізм, геоморфологія, Бог, буття., biblical catastrophism, creationism, Bible, geology, uniformitarianism, geomorphology, God, being.


У статті розглянуто специфіку теорії біблійного катастрофізму в моделі сучасного молодоземельного креаціонізму й теорія уніморфізму в контексті процесів геоморфології.

When it comes to biblical catastrophe, the main emphasis is on three things: 1) The Flood in the days of Noah. 2) Young creationism. 3) An alternative to the concept of uniformitarianism (actualism) in geology. Therefore, in the term biblical catastrophism, all three ideas must be kept in mind. After all, the main catastrophe is the Flood in the days of Noah, an event that was planetary in nature and whose concept is completely opposite to the model of the theory of evolution, and which is an alternative to the concept of uniformity in geology, and gives a different view of geomorphology. The Great Flood as a catastrophe on a planetary scale carries with it such revolutionary ideas in academic science as: 1) The young age of the planet Earth.2) Divides the development of mankind into 2 stages: before the catastrophe of the Great Flood and after the Great Flood. That is two linear developments of mankind. 3) The idea that dinosaurs and humans lived together. 4) The idea of gigantism and double atmospheric pressure. 5) The flood as the cause of the split of Pangea and the rapid formation of continents. 6) Flood as the cause of the Ice Age and climate change. The systems of biblical catastrophism are best traced in comparison with the systems of the theory of uniformitarianism (actualism). Uniformitarianism (actualism) is an academic model of the theory of evolution, the principle of which requires any reconstructions of events and phenomena that took place in the past, based on the fact that they were subject to the same laws and principles that apply today. In Lyell’s formulation, the principle is: «The present is the key to the past.» This thesis is generally accepted and is usually presented as a complete interpreted fact. And often we can witness when actualism as a method of studying the history and geology of the Earth and reconstructing the processes of the distant past, is used as a given and very rarely subject to detailed analysis. However, in the modern study of geological processes, especially in tectonics, volcanology, lithology and paleontology, more and more often find traces of catastrophic effects on geological processes that could significantly affect and change the morphology of our Earth in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the catastrophe that in many sources and folklore is called the «Flood».




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