Онтологічна єдність і помісний устрій Церкви Христової: біблійно-патристичний контекст




Ключові слова:

Церква Христова, онтологія, єдність, помісність, устрій, апостол, єпископ, автокефалія., Church of Christ, ontology, unity, locality, system. apostle, bishop, autocephaly.


У статті розкрито біблійне вчення про єдність і помісність Церкви Христової, проаналізовано погляди головних представників
патристичної думки щодо єдиності й помісності Церкви та розглянуто окремі приклади практичної реалізації біблійного і святоотцівського вчення про них у християнській історії та сьогоденні.

The article reveals the biblical doctrine of the Unity and Locality of the Church of Christ, analyzes the views of the main representatives of patristic thought on the Unity and Locality of the Church and considers some examples of practical implementation of biblical and paternal doctrine of the Unity and Locality of the Church in Christian history and today. In the conditions of modern rapid globalization changes in the views, values and aspirations of mankind, the Orthodox Church also needs to renew and rethink many important issues. One of the most pressing problems of the Orthodox Church in the late 20th century and the first quarter of the 21st century continues to be the disorder of the church system and inter-Orthodox relations. Despite the fact that the Church of Christ, according to evangelical testimonies, early Christian traditions and the Nicene Creed, is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, some Local Orthodox Churches consider the realization of church unity only in administrative and administrative institutions. Examples of the long and persistent struggle of individual Local Churches for their autocephalous status are clear evidence of this. In these circumstances, the question remains relevant: what exactly is the unity of the Orthodox Church and how does it correlate with the local structure of the Universal Orthodoxy. The need to answer these questions lies not only in solving certain practical tasks, but also in important ecclesiological principles on which the structure of the Church should be based. The question of the Unity of the Orthodox Church in its scientific work, in various aspects, raised many prominent theologians and scholars such as Metropolitan John Ziziulas, Archbishop Hilarion Troitsky, Leshchinsky AM and others. But the specifics of theological understanding of the relationship between the Unity and Localism of the Church in the domestic theological historiography paid not many authors: Lototsky OG, Archimandrite Cyril Govorun, Archpriest Vitaly Klos, Archpriest Sergei Kolot. The article expresses the origins of the unity and locality of the Church of Christ in the patristic plane as an example for a broader understanding of the ontological model of the Church’s development in its early stages of existence. The territorial reflection of the structure of local churches in their territories, which was formed through the efforts of the holy apostles and their disciples, who laid a solid stone of the postulates of the earthly Church for various states and peoples who must express unity in Jesus Christ.


