Святий Єфрем Антіохійський (? – 545) та його час




Ключові слова:

іпостась, природа (сутність), воля (сила), св. Кирило, єдиносущність., hypostasis, nature (essence), will (force), St. Cyril, uniqueness.


В статті подана спроба аналізу христології та антропології св. Єфрема патріарха Антиохійського (6 ст.) на основі перекладених з грецької мови творів святителя: «Апологія Халкідонського собору», проповіді про те, що «Христос пізнав усе крім одного гріха», гомілій «про перлину» та проповіді «Про Каїна». Повне зібрання праць святого знаходиться в декількох томах «Патрології Міня» і буде послідовно опрацьоване в наступних статтях.

The study of the heritage of the holy Fathers of the Church is an integral part of theology as a science, since the Orthodox Church preaches the teaching of Christ as we teach this Divine Revelation outlined in Scripture and Transmission. Fathers of the Church, like no other, were able in their works to convey the spirit of the gospel gospel, revealing to us the secrets of theology in simple, understandable definitions and concepts for us.An attempt is made to analyze the christology and anthropology of St. Ephraim of the Patriarch of Antioch (6th century) on the basis of the translated from the Greek language of the works of the saint: «Apology of the Chalcedon Cathedral», a preaching that «Christ knew everything except one sin», the homily «about the pearl» and the sermon «About Cain.» In his writings, Saint Ephraim preaches primarily the zealotor of the Orthodox faith from the attacks of monophysite heretics who incorrectly interpreted the Scriptures preaching that the Lord Jesus Christ was not the true God and true man. By advocating the Orthodox faith, established by the Ecumenical Councils, the saint places numerous places in the Gospel from which it is clearly seen that Christ possessed both nature: divine and human, and that they were united in the incarnation of the Son of God harmoniously. In the «Apology of the Chalcedon Cathedral», in addition to the traditional Chalcedony (Orthodox) doctrine of two nature in Christ, Saint Ephraim sets out the preconditions of the Orthodox doctrine of two wills. The preaching that «Christ has learned all but one sin» is dedicated to the perfect combination of divine and human nature in Christ. In the homily, which can be combined with the name «about the pearl» the saint reveals the doctrine of the hypostasis combination of nature in the Son of God. In the sermon «About Cain» St. Ephraim reveals the subject of the punishment of sinners and the eternity of torment. The main thing that interests us in the works of St. Ephraim is a Christology based on the basic principles of the theology of the Fathers of the Chalcedon Cathedral in 451 and the Christology of St. Cyril of Alexandria on the way of unity of nature in Christ. The complete collection of the works of the saint is in several volumes of «Minologic Patrology» and will be consistently elaborated in the following articles.


