Іконографічний метод богопізнання




Ключові слова:

Бог, Христос, образ, ікона, догмат, мистецтво, зображення, християни, символ, атрибут, іконопис., God, Christ, image, icon, dogma, art, image, Christians, symbol, attribute, icon painting, color.


У статті розглянуто інтерпретацію догматичного вчення щодо вшанування ікон та її роль у житті православного християнина. Розкрито значення ранньохристиянської іконографічної символіки, а також проаналізовано етапи формування канону іконописного мистецтва.

The article considered with the interpretation of the dogmatic meaning regarding the worship of the icon and its importance in the life of an Orthodox Christian. Emphasized the importance of early Christian symbolism of icon depiction is outlined, as well as the stages of formation of the canon of icon painting. Icons in the Orthodox Church play a missionary role. «If one of the Gentiles comes to you, saying, Show me your faith ... you will take him to church and put you in front of different kinds of holy images,» says St. John Damaskin. At the same time, the icon cannot be seen as a simple illustration of the Gospel or of events in the life of the Church. First of all, it represents the people of the God of the Invisible – God, whom, according to the evangelist, no one has ever seen, but who has revealed to mankind in the person of the God–man Jesus Christ (John 1: 18). The image of Christ, the God–made man, is of particular importance to the Orthodox Christian. The iconographic appearance of Christ is finally formed in the period of iconoclastic disputes. Theological justification of the iconography of Jesus Christ is formulated in parallel, with a high clarity expressed in the Kondak of the Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy: The Unspoken Word of the Father of You, Mother of God, is described as incarnate, and the defiled image in the ancient is imagined, divine. But confessing salvation, by deed and word we imagine it. The icon is inextricably linked to the dogma and unthinkable outside the dogmatic context. In the icon, the main tenets of Christianity are conveyed through artistic means – the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the salvation and worship of man. Many events of gospel stories are treated in iconography primarily in a dogmatic context. For example, canonical Orthodox icons never depict the resurrection of Christ, but depict Christ’s coming out of hell and bringing out of him the Old Testament righteous. The image of Christ coming out of the tomb, often with a flag in his hands, is of very late origin and genetically linked to Western religious painting. The Orthodox Tradition knows only the image of Christ’s coming out of hell, which corresponds to the liturgical recollections of the resurrection of Christ and the liturgical texts of the Oktoikh and the Triode, which reveals this event from a dogmatic point of view.




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