Синонімічні теонімо-поетоніми як важливий чинник творення Imago Dei в «Педагогічному гімні» Климента Олександрійського




Ключові слова:

літургійна традиція, гімнографія, синонімічні теонімо- поетоніми, поетична тканина, метрика., liturgical tradition, hymnography, poetic language, synonymic theonyms-poetonyms, metre.


У статті розглянуто вживання синонімічних теонімо-поетонімів у «Гімні Христу Спасителю» з твору Климента Олександрійського «Педагог», а також здійснено аналіз метричної організації твору. Стверджується, що саме теонімо-поетоніми є головним чинником творення Imago Dei в гімні.

The article deals with the usage of synonymic theonyms-poetonyms in the “Hymn of Praise to Christ” by Clement of Alexandria. The hymn stands at the end of the “Paedagogus”. The article analyses the metric organization of the poem and affirms that synonimic theonyms-poetonyms are the main factor of creation of Imago Dei in the hymn. For the creators of the Christian dogmatics the name of God is a sign or a symbol of a certain essence, it is not a part of it. The name of God is an element of the system of minor importance. And the existence of this essence doesn’t depend on this system because “no name has essential independence” but “any name has a certain indication” (γνώρισμά оr indicium) and a sign (σημείον оr signum) of some essence and thought, which are not thought independently by themselves and do not exist”. It is precisely this relation to proper names of any rank that makes it possible for the Christian medieval poets to turn them into bright poetonyms or (if they are divine names) theonympoetonyms. Poetonyms or names-poetisms are proper names (or synonymic poetic sayings – word combinations, descriptive constructions and sometimes entire sentences with the synonymic meaning) in a context of a work of art. A fashionable discipline on the verge of several sciences – poetics of proper names (a unit of onomastics) makes us take these words (sayingsword-combinations, descriptive constructions) out of the rank of common, turning them into the words of wide connotative meaning and even into the wordssymbols, the names-situations. So theonyms-poetonyms are the names of the deity or their poetic synonyms – word combinations, descriptive constructions and sometimes entire sentences with the synonymic meaning in a context of a work of any hymnographic genre.




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